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Most Embarrassing Celebrity Fails

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Here at 4AllFails, we do nothing but bring you the biggest and best (or should that be ‘biggest andworst‘?) fails from across the world. Most of the time those fails befall regular Joe Idiots like you or me. But fails don’t respect anything or anyone. A fail can affect anyone at any time. And celebrities aren’t immune from them, either. You’re about to witness fifteen massive bloopers from the rich and famous. Hey, hopefully they’ll make us all feel better about ourselves. Let’s hope so, anyway. There’s nothing like a bit of schadenfreude for catharsis, is there?
Being a celebrity is a busy lifestyle, no doubt. There’s plenty to do and you’re expected to constantly be working and promoting and making money. So they don’t always have time to do things. Like tanning. Who has time to get a little sunbathing in when you’ve an album to record and a movie to give interviews about? So we can understand why Christina Aguilera feels the need to fake tan. But she really needs to rub that stuff in.
Jonah Hill is famed for two things – being a funny movie star and being a man who balloons and drops weight like no one’s business. So you can probably see why Jonah’s got a tear in the trouser region. Too much stress from a chunky leg, then weight loss, then repeat. Stitching can only take so much. But c’mon, man! You can afford a new pair. It’s a movie premiere, after all…

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