The big bad world of sports is one of pretty fine margins. It doesn’t take much to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It doesn’t take much to go from winning and being the best to losing and going home empty handed to the sound of boos from the crowd. A brief lapse of concentration or bad luck and you’re in Failsville. What can you do about it? Not much. So when it comes to things you can control as a sportsman? Make sure you DO control them… We’re talking about things like the sporting clothes you wear. There’s no excuse for these dreadful sporting clothes fails… Here are fifteen absolutely shocking examples of what we’re talking about…

This Asian figure skating couple will rue the day they decided to go shopping down at the thrift store for stockings. The hole in this pair are bringing a fair amount of embarrassment on them. What with a couple of million people probably watching them at home. Look, wardrobe malfunctions come a lot worse, so don’t feel too bad for them. But do learn a lesson – it’s always worth spending a couple of bucks more of things you need to last. Otherwise it’s a false economy.
Whoever was awarded the job of designing the uniforms for this women’s cycling team is clearly not au fait with the anatomy of the human female. Or they’re just rubbish designers, one of the two. Who would opt for a flesh-colored mid-section that makes it look as though the girls have decided to all expose themselves at the exact time time, unashamedly…? This is one massive sporting clothes fail right here. For shame.
The world of women’s 7-on-7 tackle American football has one league. It’s called the ‘LFL’ – the ‘Legends Football League’. But that’s a fairly new name. It’s old moniker? The much more enticing, yet much more sexist, ‘Lingerie Football League’. At least with its old name you kinda knew what to expect. It was a game seemingly designed to encourage wardrobe malfunctions. And not many people complained. Well, okay, some people did. The spoilsports.